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North american porcupine diet -

20-12-2016 à 15:00:17
North american porcupine diet
It has a round body, small ears and a small head. MyARKive offers the scrapbook feature to signed-up members, allowing you to organize your favourite ARKive images and videos and share them with friends. The porcupine has quills on all parts of its body, except for its stomach. Some animals, like the fisher, are experts at attacking porcupines. It eats leaves, twigs and green plants like skunk cabbage and clover. Quills are solid at the tip and base and hollow for most of the shaft. It has hairless soles on its feet that help it climb trees. The common porcupine lives in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. Genus Erethizon (1) Information on the North American porcupine is currently being researched and written and will appear here shortly. The quills are hairs with barbed tips on the ends.

North American porcupine status Classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List (1). Description Biology Range Habitat Status Threats Conservation Find out more Glossary References Print factsheet. When a predator approaches, the porcupine will turn its back, raise the quills and lash out at the threat with its tail. It has black to brownish-yellow fur and strong, short legs. In the west, it can be found in scrubby areas. The most recognizable feature of the porcupine is its quills. The common porcupine can be found in most of Canada and the western United States south to Mexico. In the eastern United States, it can be found in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York and New England. Authentication This information is awaiting authentication by a species expert, and will be updated as soon as possible. If the porcupine hits an animal with its quills, the quills become embedded in the animal. A porcupine may have as many as 30,000 quills.

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